Triple signing gives Scots huge boost for 2017/18 season

15th May 2017

London Scottish is pleased to reveal a triple signing with prop Ben Christie, hooker Isaac Miller and number eight Ed Milne all joining the club.

The young trio will arrive at the Athletic Ground to add huge depth to the pack for the 17/18 season. 

Miller, a former Scotland Under 20 international has been playing for Loughborough Students whilst studying Sports Science, and has also captained the side in their National One campaign. 

The 22-year-old hooker who played for Edinburgh at Under 18 level is a former deputy head boy of Stewart’s Melville, and is an exciting addition to the front-row as the squad continues to strengthen. 

Miller is looking forward to getting started at his new club, and continuing to work with Director of Rugby Dave Morris:

“I’m massively excited to be joining going into 2017/18 season. Everything i have heard about the club have been hugely positive. I’m looking forward to meeting my new teammates and getting stuck into preseason training”.

Ed Milne is an experienced number eight who has already featured for Leicester Tigers, Coventry and Rosslyn Park, whilst also being briefly loaned out to French side Clermont Auvergne. 

The 22-year-old started his career in the Academy at Leicester and played for them in the LV Cup in the back-row before spending the last two seasons with Rosslyn Park. 

Milne is excited to be heading to the Athletic Ground for a new challenge: 

“I originally came to London to pursue a career in medicine but since coming down I've had a good two years with Rosslyn Park in National One and I'm now looking forward to the new challenges ahead with London Scottish in the Championship.  

Scottish are a great club that play some good rugby and I truly am looking forward to having the opportunity to play for them.”

Ben Christie also joins from Loughborough, and the prop regularly started alongside Isaac Miller last season.

Christie has previously been in the Scotland Under 20 squad, however an injury denied him the chance to get on the pitch under the stewardship of former London Scottish Forwards Coach John Dalziel. 

The 21-year-old is looking to make a big impact when he arrives at the club: 

“I’m really looking forward to joining Scottish for the coming season. It will give me a great opportunity to take my rugby to new heights by learning from the experience at the club and playing at a higher level.” 

Director of Rugby Dave Morris is delighted to have added three exciting prospects to the squad.

“Ben and Isaac are obviously two players I know well from working with them at Loughborough Students. First and foremost they are two people I have an enormous amount of respect for on and off the field. Both have been involved with Scotland Under 20’s and Isaac this season captained England Students. 

Ben will be on his placement year working in West London and will fit in well with the full time and part time model we are creating this year. He is a technically sound scrummager who can play both sides of scrum. This versatility will be invaluable. He is incredibly athletic with speed and acceleration that means he can defend open spaces well and can be devastating with ball in hand.

Isaac is a born leader who is relentlessly positive and inspires those around him. I have never worked with a better player at delivering the detail required during the training week and then delivering consistently high performances week after week. He has a very good all round game but in particular his ball carrying will be very important for us.

Ed is a player I have seen a lot of playing against Loughborough Students both for Coventry and more recently Rosslyn Park. In particular I have always been impressed with his ball carrying ability and work in the lineout. It is these two areas I want him to make super strengths with London Scottish. Ed is aspirational with his rugby and will balance his training with studying medicine. 

All three of these players are young and hungry to develop. I expect them to work very hard in the London Scottish jersey.”


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