Ground Regulations

1. The right of admission is reserved to the RICHMOND ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION LTD. (hereinafter called RAA) and all persons entering the ground do so at their own risk. All persons must comply with instructions from stewards or other persons acting for the RAA.

2. RAA takes no responsibility for personal belongings brought into the Ground and/or left in cars in car parks. Furthermore RAA take no responsibility for any damage to cars left in car parks or accidents to individuals whilst in the car parks or access roads.

3. RAA reserve the right to refuse admission to or eject from the Ground any person(s) who refuse to be searched by a police officer, servant or agent of RAA. RAA reserve the right for a police officer, its servants or agents to remove from the Ground any person(s) who does not comply with these RULES and REGULATIONS and whose presence in such Ground is or could reasonably be construed as constituting a source of danger, nuisance or annoyance.

4.The Athletic Ground is a Sports Field. (With the exception of Guide Dogs) Dogs are not admitted to any part of the Ground for health & safety reasons and because of our duty of care to all players. Guide Dogs are not permitted onto any pitch or its surrounds, but if their owner has reason to be permitted on the pitch a member of staff will have to restrain his/her dog at the side lines whilst the individual is escorted onto the pitch by another member of staff. The individual can then be escorted back to his/her dog afterwards.

5. Money and Charity collections by unauthorised people are not permitted anywhere in the Ground or the Buildings without the specific consent of the RAA. Any persons attempting to make such a collection will be escorted from the Ground. No Hawkers or any other unauthorised persons selling wares will be permitted anywhere within the Ground without permission.

6. Matches cannot be guaranteed to take place on any particular day or time and RAA reserve the right to change its advertised matches without notice and without liability. No money will be refunded or tickets exchanged if the match has to be abandoned. Should a match be postponed tickets for the events will be valid for any date on which the match is rearranged.

7. With the exception of authorised persons holding official passes, the taking of photographs, cine photography or other recordings inside the Ground is prohibited. No recording whether RADIO or TELEVISION or for private purposes and whether for transmission or otherwise is permitted save with special authorisation in writing from RAA.

8. Only persons specifically authorised in writing by RAA and appropriately licensed are permitted to distribute without charge or offer for sale in the Ground any programmes, newspapers, periodicals, food, alcohol, novelty items or any other articles;

9. Unauthorised persons are not permitted to enter the field of play. Any person who remains in a gangway or fails to comply with instructions from a steward other persons acting for the RAA may be ejected from the Ground. Climbing onto or into the stands and other buildings in the Ground or the perimeter fence/walls is forbidden.

10. In no circumstances is it permitted to throw any objects on to the field of play or anywhere else within the Ground. Unnecessary noise such as that from the use of RADIO sets and behaviour likely to cause confusion or nuisance of any kind including foul or abusive language is not permitted in any part of the ground.

11. Drinks purchased in GLASSES or GLASS BOTTLES at the bars are to be consumed in the vicinity of the bar and are not permitted within STANDS or TERRACES or on any PITCHES unless decanted into a plastic glass or jug.

12.Bottles, glasses, cans, penknives, fireworks, smoke canisters, flags, banners, poles and other similar articles, including anything which could or might be used as a weapon, are not permitted within the Ground or buildings. Any person in possession of such an article or container may be refused entry or ejected.

13. All persons entering the GROUND are admitted only subject to these RULES and REGULATIONS. Entry to the GROUND shall be deemed to constitute unqualified acceptance of all these RULES and REGULATIONS


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