Supporters Information – Jersey away

15th April 2014

London Scottish member David Guild kindly extends an open invitation to all London Scottish supporters heading to Jersey next week to a house and garden party on Saturday, April 19th, from 7pm.

His home is about a 12 minute taxi ride from Jersey RFC and about 20 minutes from St Helier. People can come direct from Jersey Rugby Club or after dinner should this have been arranged.

There will be plenty of food and drink available and all David asks is you contact him by Friday, April 18th so he can get a feel for numbers.

You can contact David on 07767 652718 or 01534 486312.

His home address is The Gables, Le Chemin de la Brecquette, St Ouen, JE3 2FF.

The nearest place of any significance is L'Etacq so this should be mentioned to taxi drivers as guidance.

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