Inside London Scottish – Ollie Grove & David Howells

29th March 2012

London Scottish players Ollie Grove and David Howells chat to David Kurk about playoffs, injuries and bagpipes…


We caught up with Ollie Grove and David Howells to discuss how they are doing individually as well as get an insight into the squad mentality heading into the crucial game this Sunday.

Grove: “We are still very confident. We have played everyone, and have seen what they have to offer.”
“We played below par last Friday and we know that. We are confident of putting it right”.

David Howells, who has struggled with injuries this season, said: “It has been hugely frustrating see the boys go out there, especially at this time of year.”

You can watch the full interview on our London Scottish Youtube channel – just click here.

Grove and Howells are going to India on April 25th to help Future Hope charity – read more and support their cause by clicking here.

Read more from inside the London Scottish camp; Simon Amor gives his thoughts ahead of Sunday’s game.


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