London Scottish 62 Fullerians 0 (Herts-Middlesex Division 2)

11th October 2010

Unbeaten league record continues…. On a beautiful October afternoon the London Scottish Under-16 team enjoyed a perfect start to their assault on the Herts-Middlesex Division 2 title. Unbeaten in the leagues for nearly three years, and with back-to-back promotions in the last two campaigns, this team is full of confidence and looking forward to the challenges of the season ahead.

As the game unfolded, the coaching teams were predicting a tense and exciting game as the play was open with both teams determined to attack. A couple of dropped balls by Scottish and some good defence by Scottish prevented early scores.

Nine minutes in, Guy pressured the opposition and Scott secured good ruck ball. Quick recycling and the ball through the hands gave full-back Levi the chance to sprint in for the first score, converted by Kieran. Four minutes later Joe Ward drove off the back of a scrum and wrestled his way over for a fine second score.

 Fullerians did not buckle to the increasing pressure from Scottish and it took until the twenty-fifth minute for the third score. Guy sent a relieving box-kick into the opposition half which Munro chased. A slick off-load back to Guy allowed him to out-sprint the defence for a half-time lead of 19-0.

 The first half was a solid and convincing performance by Scottish. The second-half was a rout. Forty three unanswered points were scored by Scottish and in every aspect of the game the team dominated their opposition.

 Right from the kick-off a great chase by Declan resulted in a defensive scrum on the opposition five metre line. Another win against the head allowed Declan to drive over from the back of the scrum for the first score of the half. On ten minutes, more powerful forward drives by Scott and Adam created quick ball for Guy, who fed Munro on the charge for a 33-0 lead. The next score was a real celebration for Daniel, who similarly smashed his way over for his first ever score for the team, following some good driving work by Josh.

 The backs then decided to get in on the act. Ryan, who had run some lovely lines all afternoon, opted to chip ahead and Buz sprinted through to gather the ball and score. In the last eight minutes, Scottish added three scores through Munro, Joe and Levi. The last try was made by Joe N with a lovely off-load to Levi.

This squad has the potential to have another excellent season. The front-row – all five of them – is a powerful unit who out-scrummaged Fullerians all afternoon. The second-row were huge in defence and attack and the back-row were simply stunning in all aspects of play. The backs created threat after threat and looked really good running at pace. This result will lay down a marker for future league matches.

It was pleasing to see all the parental and squad support and it was great to welcome Joe Garland on a week-end visit from Devon. Next tour Devon?

Team: Munro Third (Louis Keen 65); Tee-Jay Farrell (Daniel Neal 45); Louis Keen (Keshal Devchand 45); Scott Holloway; Tom Henderson (Josh Carter 35); Adam Ferguson; Joe Ward (Henry Allan-Lowe 60); Declan McPate; Guy Luscombe; Ryan Flannery; Nuno Barreiro-Rosario (Robert Akinrinmade 62); Kieran Morgan; Buz Shabani; Mitchell Rogers (Joe Nellis 57); Levi McDonald.


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