London Scottish – Away Match Reporter Needed

01st June 2012

London Scottish is looking for an away match reporter as long serving match reporter Ian Aitken has had to hand over the responsibility due to increased work commitments.

The away match reports provide a great insight to London Scottish on their travels, with many London Scottish fans unable to attend away fixtures.

An obvious key requirement for the match reporter is being able to attend all of London Scottish’s away fixtures. Other advantageous requirements include:

– Experience in match reporting/sports writing
– Access to the internet (match reports are sent to Luke Wakefield to put up onto the London Scottish website)

This is an unpaid voluntary role, however, as away match reporter, you will:

– Gain press access to away grounds
– Have your name published on the London Scottish website with each match report

If you are interested in the role, please email Luke Wakefield with a 300 word match report of any recent match as an example of your writing (can be from any sport).

If you have any questions, please contact Luke Wakefield on or 0208 940 7156.

Closing deadline: Sunday 1st July.

London Scottish would like to publicly thank Ian Aitken for all of his work over the past few years and hope to see him at The Athletic Ground for years to come.


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