RWC 2015 Volunteer Programme – Join The Pack

08th April 2014

Your Chance to join ‘The Pack’ – Rugby World Cup 2015 Volunteer Programme.

–          6,000 volunteers will join 'The Pack'-  the volunteers for Rugby World Cup 2015

–          75% of volunteers will be recruited from rugby clubs in England and Wales

–          'The Pack' will also give members of the public, who are new to the game of rugby, the chance to be part of the tournament

–          England Rugby 2015 will recruit volunteers who are interested in supporting the game beyond 2015 as part of its legacy

–          Applications close April 17, 2014 – register your interest with London Scottish by Tuesday, April 15.

–          The England 2015 Organising Committee has recently launched 'The Pack' – the volunteer programme for Rugby World Cup 2015.

'The Pack', made up of 6,000 volunteers, will be the faces of the tournament, helping to deliver Rugby World Cup 2015 across England and in Cardiff.

In line with the vision for Rugby World Cup 2015, 'The Pack' will have rugby at heart recruiting 75% of the volunteers from rugby clubs in England and Wales. 

In addition, 'The Pack' will bring 1,500 potential new volunteers into rugby through a national campaign, with the aim of retaining them beyond 2015 as part the tournament's legacy.

Volunteers will play a key role in the delivery of the six week tournament with a range of roles including transport, meet and greet, accreditation and way-finding which will all vary in duration.

London Scottish will nominate two of our members to join 'The Pack', and take part in selection events ('Try Outs') throughout 2014.

The application process will be open until April 17th (register interest with London Scottish by Tuesday, April 15th), followed by 'Try Outs' from June-December, with successful members of 'The Pack' confirmed in early 2015.

To register your interest, please contact Media and Communications Manager, Andy Weston – by Tuesday April 15th.


'The Pack' applicants must be 18 or over by April 1, 2015 and have the necessary permissions to volunteer in the UK.

The Pack key dates:

April 17 2014: Applications close. Register your interest with London Scottish by April 15th.

June – December 2014:'Try Outs'(selection events) held across England and in Cardiff.

January 2015: Offers to join 'The Pack' commence.

Q2/Q3 2015: 'The Pack' uniform launch, training and mobilisation.


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