Scottish and Aberdeen Asset Management team up in the City

07th October 2011

London Scottish and their Official Sponsor Aberdeen Asset Management teamed up to test the City’s rugby skills.

Some of the London Scottish squad took their rugby skills to the heart of the City, as they competed against several Aberdeen Asset Management employees and members of the public.

Squad members Gary Trueman, Josh Brown, Oli Grove and Mark Bright (who is sponsored by Aberdeen Asset Management) took on Aberdeen Asset Management CEO Martin Gilbert in attempt to see who could pass the ball the quickest.

Amongst the crowd spectating and particpating up at Bow Churchyard where Aberdeen Asset Management are based were employees of AAM and members of the public who shly sidled their way up and were encouraged to take part when they saw what the competition had to offer! There were ten minute intervals of passing phases where anyone could take part and the quickest were awarded sponsored prizes; a signed shirt for the best female and male of the day was awarded by the players at the final whistle.

The London Scottish boys unashamedly showed passers by their best techniques and there was even some “Carlos Spencer” trickery from Mark Bright with some back handed passing into the radar!

Commenting on the initiative, London Scottish Head Coach Simon Amor said: “It's a great way to show the City what London Scottish are capable of, as well as involving our valued sponsors Aberdeen Asset Management. I was actually pretty impressed with Martin's results today – I'm tempted to offer him a game!”

For further information on Aberdeen Asset Management's work, please head to their website  

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