Scottish in new Community partnership

02nd February 2012

During the half-time interval at the Nottingham game, London Scottish hosted a tag rugby game between girls from Waldegrave School and Grasshoppers RFC.

This match represented the first element of a burgeoning Community partnership between Scottish and Grasshoppers, that will hopefully develop into a beneficial arrangement for both clubs.

The new arrangement was the joint-brainchild of London Scottish Community Coach Simon Horner, and Grasshoppers representative Leroy Arboiune, and both are keen to see further development of the relationship between the two Community Schemes. Potential ideas such as collaborative Rugby Camps, coaching sessions from London Scottish 1st XV players and other events in the Hounslow area.

These would serve to spread the London Scottish message, and potentially attract new players to the Junior sides and Academy. Simon Horner sees Grasshoppers as the ideal Club to help Scottish achieve these aims: “Grasshoppers RFC are a club that, like ourselves, have a very strong Community and Junior ethos. Although this is a partnership in its infancy, both Grasshoppers and Waldegrave were delighted with how Sunday’s game went, and we are very hopeful of continuing and developing this initiative. I would like to thank Leroy and everyone at Grasshoppers, and he has already expressed his optimism for the partnership’s future.”


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