Scottish sign Codling as forwards coach

16th May 2011

London Scottish are delighted to announce the signing of former England international Alex Codling as Forwards Coach, to replace the departing Chris Lloyd.

Alex was previously Head Coach at Scottish’s National League 1 title-rivals Barking, as well as previously holding the same role at Ebbw Vale RFC. He announced his intention to leave the Essex club earlier on this season, and Scottish are delighted to be able to bring the talented and experienced coach on board.

Chris Lloyd has been working as forwards coach for the previous season on a part-time basis, combining the role with his position as Assistant Academy Manager at Wasps. However, he has decided to focus on his role at Wasps on a full-time basis. Everyone at London Scottish wishes him well for the future.   

London Scottish Head Coach Simon Amor was elated by the appointment: “We are all absolutely delighted to have secured Alex Codling. He has done fantastic things with Barking over the last two seasons, and anyone could see from the game we played at Goresbrook what a great unit their set of forwards were. A large part of that was down to Alex’s coaching, and I think it will be fantastic for London Scottish to have him on board.

At the same time, we are very sorry to be losing Chris Lloyd’s expertise. He has never been anything less than 100% committed to London Scottish, and the impact that he has had on our forward play this season has been there for all to see. He has put a lot of hard work in, and laid some excellent foundations with our pack that Alex will be able to build on this season.”

London Scottish CEO Tony Copsey was also pleased with the signing: “I knew Alex from my time at Quins, and have followed his career closely since then. His playing and coaching credentials are outstanding, and it’s a real coup for Scottish to be able to take advantage of his expertise and passion to succeed. We are delighted to be able to bring him on board here at Scottish, and anticipate he will fit in with our existing set-up very well.”


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