U16’s Esher 16 London Scottish 19

20th October 2010

Truly Scrumptious A fantastic late autumn Sunday afternoon, when running rugby should have been to the fore, was rather spoiled by a flurry of whistling, and scrums became the dominant feature. Neither team could therefore put together many phases of play and the game as a spectacle was ruined.

Despite the frustrations Scottish were the stronger team and continually created more threats than their opponents. Indeed for the majority of the first half the play was all in the Esher half.

After 7 minutes of play, fly-half Ryan had the opportunity to attack his opposite number. A dummy and a quick-step allowed him an easy run-in for the first score. Further attacks were foiled by apparent forward passes and other misdemeanours and it was the Esher team, with a penalty kick for offside, who scored the next points. On 24 minutes, further excitement ensued when Esher had another penalty kick for another offside. 6-7 to Scottish.

The final score of the half was, however, exciting. Another controlled scrummage by Scottish allowed the team to attack and after three drives by the forwards the ball was swung to the left and Nuno sprinted in for a try out wide.

Further drives by the forwards almost produced another score but the ball was held up over the line. Half-time 6-12 to Scottish.

The second half followed a similar pattern to the first half. After 6 minutes of play the Scottish boys were again in the attack and a penalty was awarded 15 metres out. A first charge by Tom, which resulted in him losing his breakfast on the pitch, was followed up by some further forward charges which were finished off with a final thrust by Josh who crashed over for a try that was converted by Kieran. 6-19 to Scottish.

Esher then came back into the game and after 55 minutes of the match had their first try, another forward drive. Both sides then made a number of changes. The Scottish boys continued to dominate up front and again play was mainly in the opposition half. However, with only minutes to go a fluent attack by the Esher backs resulted in the final score of the match.

Team: 1 Keshal Devchand (Sami Kozal 35); 2 Daniel Neal (Tee-Jay Farrell 35 / Eddie Pottle 55); 3 Tee-Jay Farrell (Josh Carter 35 / Daniel Neal 55); 4 Scott Holloway (Zak Kirei 55); 5 Josh Carter Tom Henderson 35 / Henry Blake 42); 6 Adam Ferguson (Guy Luscombe 65); 7 Hashmat Ullah (Declan McPate 58 / Tom Henderson 65); 8 Declan McPate (Josh Carter 55 / Jack McDonnell 60); 9 Guy Luscombe (Joe Nellis 55); 10 Ryan Flannery (Henry Allan-Lowe 55); 11 Nuno Barreiro-Rosario (Ashley Samuels 55); 12 Kieran Morgan; 13 Buz Shabani (Faisal 55); 14 Keith Reddy (Robert Akinrinmade 55); 15 Levi McDonald.



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